Old Park

The historic part of the botanic garden, Old Park was planted in 1932. Here you will find some trees planted in from the 20-30ies of the last century – Norway maple ‘Schwedleri’, Crimean linden and laciniate linden. Here you will also find the honey locust with many branched thorns growing directly from the trunk.

The park is wonderful in all seasons. In spring, the sparkling white snowdrops bloom exuberantly, and the bumblebees buzz in the multicolour corydalis flowers. The Japanese lilac trees and rhododendrons are smelling sweet. The petals of white-fringe trees remind you of snowflakes in the early summer. The American tulip-tree blooms when tulips are long faded. Noble solitude surrounds the local purple-leaved form of the common oak found in the forest in Stelpe near the “Timuki” house. Different species and cultivars of conifers grow among a large variety of magnolias.

In the old park, there is also a bed with 48 cultivars of Hostas placed inside. Hostas are suitable for shady places, but can also grow full sun. They are decorative all season, even without flowers. Leaves of cultivars are variegated, undulated, and covered with bluish bloom.